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Article: GABA uptake and heterotransport are impaired in the dentate gyrus of epileptic rats and humans with temporal lobe sclerosis.

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Patrylo PR; Spencer DD; Williamson A
J. Neurophysiol., 2001

Table 1.

Patient data

Patient Sex Drugs at Surgery Duration of Epilepsy, yr Age at Surgery, yr
1 M Carbemazepine, Vigabatrin 7 30
2 M Carbemazepine 31 41
3 M VPA, Carbemazepine, Mysoline, Gabapentin 33 37
4 F Carbemazepine 20 29
5 F Carbemazepine 22 29
6 F Carbemazepine 6 36
7 F Carbemazepine, Gabapentin, Mysoline 27 45
8 Phenytoin, Gabapentin 10 12
 Mean 19.5 ± 4.3 32.4 ± 4.1
9 F Carbemazepine VPA, 3 29
10 F Carbemazepine, Lamotrigine 19 35
11 F Phenytoin, VPA 5 6
12 M Carbemazepine 2 62
 Mean 7.2 ± 4.6 33 ± 13.3
13 M Phenytoin 15 29
14 F Carbemazepine, Lamotrigine 41 45
15 F Carbemazepine, Topirimate 6 34
 Mean 20.7 ± 12.9 36.0 ± 5.8 
  • The duration of epilepsy was measured from the time of the first unprovoked seizure. Most of these patients were on multiple anticonvulsants at the time of surgery. There was extensive variability within this population in the ages at surgery and the duration of their epilepsy. Values are means ± SE. MTLE, mesial temporal sclerosis; MaTLE, mass-associated temporal lobe epilepsy; PTLE, paradoxical type of temporal lobe epilepsy.

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