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Article: Characterization of thalamocortical responses of regular-spiking and fast-spiking neurons of the mouse auditory cortex in vitro and in silico.

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Schiff ML; Reyes AD
J. Neurophysiol., 2012

Table 1.

Comparison intrinsic membrane properties for FS and RS cells

FS (n = 16) RS (n = 31)
Input resistance, MΩ* 163.92 ± 48.10 285.10 ± 80.61
Membrane time constant, ms* 11.83 ± 4.94 29.38 ± 10.32
Vrest, mV −67.88 ± 6.51 −67.15 ± 7.75
AP threshold, mV* −30.57 ± 6.24 −37.27 ± 7.54
Threshold I, nA* 0.16 ± 0.08 0.05 ± 0.03
Number of APs at threshold* 10.25 ± 10.72 3.65 ± 2.50
1st AP time, ms 266.13 ± 304.10 223.09 ± 237.20
AP half-width, ms* 0.46 ± 0.13 0.89 ± 0.20
Adaptation ratio* 0.78 ± 0.17 0.31 ± 0.09
Max firing rate, Hz* 199.00 ± 64.31 75.71 ± 15.53
FR vs. I slope, Hz/nA* 273.28 ± 81.56 109.90 ± 24.69
  • Values are means ± SD. FS, fast spiking; RS, regular spiking; Vrest, resting membrane potential; AP, action potential; I, current; FR, firing rate.

  • * P < 0.01 by Student's t-test.

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Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons spike threshold (mV*) -30.57 ± 6.24 (16) -30.57 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons spike threshold (mV*) -37.27 ± 7.54 (31) -37.27 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons rheobase (nA*) 0.16 ± 0.08 (16) 160.0 (pA) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons rheobase (nA*) 0.05 ± 0.03 (31) 50.0 (pA) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons input resistance (MΩ*) 163.92 ± 48.1 (16) 163.92 (MΩ) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons first spike latency (ms) 266.13 ± 304.1 (16) 266.13 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons first spike latency (ms) 223.09 ± 237.2 (31) 223.09 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons spike half-width (ms*) 0.46 ± 0.13 (16) 0.46 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons spike half-width (ms*) 0.89 ± 0.2 (31) 0.89 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons adaptation ratio 0.78 ± 0.17 (16) 0.78 (ratio) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons adaptation ratio 0.31 ± 0.09 (31) 0.31 (ratio) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons maximum firing rate (Hz*) 199.0 ± 64.31 (16) 199.0 (Hz) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons input resistance (MΩ*) 285.1 ± 80.61 (31) 285.1 (MΩ) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons maximum firing rate (Hz*) 75.71 ± 15.53 (31) 75.71 (Hz) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons FI slope (Hz/nA*) 273.28 ± 81.56 (16) 273.28 (Hz/nA) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons FI slope (Hz/nA*) 109.9 ± 24.69 (31) 109.9 (Hz/nA) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons membrane time constant (ms*) 11.83 ± 4.94 (16) 11.83 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons membrane time constant (ms*) 29.38 ± 10.32 (31) 29.38 (ms) Data Table
Neocortex basket cell Primary auditory cortex fast-spiking interneurons resting membrane potential (mV) -67.88 ± 6.51 (16) -67.88 (mV) Data Table
Neocortex layer 4 stellate cell Primary auditory cortex layer 3/4 regular-spiking pyramidal neurons resting membrane potential (mV) -67.15 ± 7.75 (31) -67.15 (mV) Data Table