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Article: Functional and molecular development of striatal fast-spiking GABAergic interneurons and their cortical inputs.

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Plotkin JL; Wu N; Chesselet MF; Levine MS
Eur. J. Neurosci., 2005

Table 2.  Developmental rates of membrane properties in FS interneurons and MS neurons
Values at P12–14 (%)*FS (n = 10)MS (n = 12)
  • *

    Values at P12–14 represented as a percentage of the P19–23 value. Note the greater developmental change in AP frequency, AP width at half maximum amplitude, AHP amplitude and time to peak AHP in FS interneurons than in MS neurons.

  • **

    P < 0.01 with t-tests.

Input resistance128 ± 11130 ± 7
AP frequency47 ± 474 ± 6**
AP threshold current injection85 ± 988 ± 13
Amplitude of AP84 ± 583 ± 2
AP width at 1/2 amplitude156 ± 10110 ± 4**
Amplitude of AHP34 ± 5107 ± 9**
Time to peak of AHP194 ± 1978 ± 6**

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