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Article: Postnatal development of rat nucleus tractus solitarius neurons: morphological and electrophysiological evidence.

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Vincent A; Tell F
Neuroscience, 1999

Table 2Quantitative data for developing multipolar nucleus tractus solitarius neurons*
Major diameter (μm)23.3±5 (10)20.2±5 (14)22.8±5.4 (7)21.7±4 (10)30.5±6.4 (11)31.7±7 (10)28.5±7.7 (9)
Minor diameter (μm)13.6±2.4 (10)14±2.2 (14)11.2±2 (7)14.2±2.6 (10)18.9±4.8 (11)18.3±3.5 (10)18±3.7 (9)
Mean diameter (μm)18.4±2 (10)17±3 (14)17±2.4 (7)17.9±2.6 (10)24.7±4.6 (11)25±4.7 (10)23.2±5.4 (9)
Number of dendrites9±1.4 (10)7.2±2 (14)6.6±1.3 (7)7.7±2 (10)7.6±2 (11)8.4±3 (7)6±0 (1)
Number of first-order dendrites per neuron5.7±1.7 (10)4.2±1.3 (14)4±1.1 (7)4.7±1.2 (10)4.1±0.9 (11)3.6±1 (7)3±0 (1)
Number of second-order dendrites per neuron5.3±1.7 (10)4.7±2.2 (14)3.9±0.9 (7)3.8±1.5 (10)4.9±2 (11)4.7±2.2 (7)2±0 (1)
Number of third-order dendrites per neuron1.4±2 (10)1.4±1.7 (14)1.3±0.9 (7)1.8±1.7 (10)1.1±1.4 (11)2.6±2.2 (7)2±0 (1)
Number of terminal branches9±1.4 (10)7.2±1.9 (14)6.6±1.3 (7)7.7±2.1 (10)7.6±2 (11)8.4±3 (7)6±0 (1)
Number of first-order terminal branches4.3±2.6 (10)1.9±1.4 (14)2.1±1.3 (7)2.9±1.2 (10)1.5±0.9 (11)1.1±1.4 (7)3±0 (1)
Number of second-order terminal branches3.4±2.7 (10)3.9±1.7 (14)3.1±0.9 (7)2.7±1 (10)4.5±1.3 (11)3.4±1.9 (7)1±0 (1)
Number of third-order terminal branches0.7±1.9 (10)1±1.3 (14)1.3±1 (7)1.5±1.4 (10)1.4±1.4 (11)2±2 (7)2±0 (1)
*Values are means±S.D. The total number in the samples is indicated in parentheses.

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