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Article: Properties of the nucleo-olivary pathway: an in vivo whole-cell patch clamp study.

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Bazzigaluppi P; Ruigrok T; Saisan P; De Zeeuw CI; de Jeu M
PLoS ONE, 2012

10.1371/journal.pone.0046360.t002 Sub- and supra-threshold responses in Control and with presence of GABA<sub>A</sub> receptors blocker (DNDS).
Control GABAA blocker DNDS
Oscill. behavior Immediately after break-in >20 minutes after break in p- value n Immediately after break-in >20 minutes after break in p- value n
Short latency EPSP (%) LTO 34.3±10 32.6±11.8 0.80 6 49.1±27.1 36.1±14.6 0.19 7
SSTO 16.7±2 43.0±1.9 0.49 3 86.1±13.2 56.4±19 0.14 4
Long latency IPSP (%) LTO 93.6±7.9 87.5±3.8 0.11 6 85.3±11.4 25.4±10.6 <0.01 7
SSTO 83.8±3.9 81.9±11.2 0.88 3 93.5±4.7 39.9±14.4 <0.01 4
IPSP duration (ms) LTO 512±187 518±161 0.90 6 390±26 295±14 0.02 7
SSTO 334±179 376±138 0.38 3 219±19 198±26 0.42 4
IPSP peak amplitude (mV) LTO -7.6±2.0 -6.0±1.9 0.18 6 -6.5±1.5 -3.4±1.0 <0.01 7
SSTO -8.2±2.7 -6.7±1.3 0.37 3 -10.96±3.9 -4.2±1.8 <0.01 4
IPSP surface area (ms*mV) LTO 2738±1806 2261±1268 0.57 6 1737±599 654±150 <0.01 7
SSTO 1871±474 1896±458 0.27 3 1718±882 484±245 0.04 4
Rebound (%) LTO 60.1±32 57.4±28.3 0.21 6 68.2±21.2 69±17.3 0.46 7
SSTO 87±9.7 84.2±5.7 0.25 3 96.5±1.4 74.2±10.5 <0.05 4
Rebound amplitude (mV) LTO 9.52±4.2 10.9±4 0.30 6 6.9±2.3 8.1±2.9 0.09 7
SSTO 13.9±3.7 13.5±4.2 0.81 3 10.2±2.1 11.85±2.3 0.3 4

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