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Article: Properties of the nucleo-olivary pathway: an in vivo whole-cell patch clamp study.

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Bazzigaluppi P; Ruigrok T; Saisan P; De Zeeuw CI; de Jeu M
PLoS ONE, 2012

10.1371/journal.pone.0046360.t003 Olivary subthreshold responses to CN stimulation in presence of GABA<sub>A</sub> blocker DNDS measured in Cx-36 KO mice.
GABAA blocker DNDS
Oscill. behavior Immediately after break-in >20 minutes after break in p- value n
Short latency EPSP (%) LTO 50.7±32.9 31.7±19.3 0.051 4
SSTO 24.3±25.3 29.2±12.5 0.266 4
Long latency IPSP (%) LTO 96.5±8 56.6±23.5 <0.05 4
SSTO 95.8±1.3 51.8±21.8 <0.01 4
IPSP duration (ms) LTO 488.7±123 335.1±36.3 0.07 4
SSTO 373.0±199 298.2±121 0.191 4
IPSP peak amplitude (mV) LTO -8.9±4.4 -5.3±1.8 <0.05 4
SSTO -10.9±3 -5.5±0.6 <0.05 4
IPSP Surface area (ms*mV) LTO -3203.4±1775 951.5±640 <0.05 4
SSTO 2798.1±1636.27 795.7±284.7 <0.05 4
Rebound (%) LTO 50.7±13.6 58.3±18.2 0.16 4
SSTO 77.2±15.1 63.8±20 <0.05 4

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