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Article: Electrophysiological evidence of monosynaptic excitatory transmission between granule cells after seizure-induced mossy fiber sprouting.

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Scharfman HE; Sollas AL; Berger RE; Goodman JH
J. Neurophysiol., 2003

TABLE 2.Membrane properties of pre- and postsynaptic granule cells

Action Potential

Resting Potential (mV)

Input Resistance (Mohms)

Time Constant (ms)

Amplitude (mV)

Duration (ms)

Half-width (ms)

    Mean 72.8 47.5 7.83 101.2 1.98 0.183
    SE 2.0 2.1 0.70 1.4 0.05 0.015
    n 6 6 6 6 6 6
    Mean 71.3 53.3 8.50 99.2 1.94 0.190
    SE 1.8 3.1 0.76 2.4 0.67 0.094







Values are listed as mean ± SE and n = sample size. Membrane properties of the granule cells that were monosynaptically connected. Characteristics of action potentials that were measured were the amplitude, duration and half-width. For measurements of membrane properties, see METHODS.

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Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus presynaptic granule cell resting membrane potential (mV) 72.8 (6) -72.8 (mV) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus presynaptic granule cell input resistance (Mohms) 47.5 (6) 47.5 (MΩ) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus presynaptic granule cell membrane time constant (ms) 7.83 (6) 7.83 (ms) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus presynaptic granule cell spike amplitude from resting (mV) 101.2 (6) 101.2 (mV) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus presynaptic granule cell spike width (ms) 1.98 (6) 1.98 (ms) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus presynaptic granule cell spike half-width (ms) 0.183 (6) 0.183 (ms) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus postsynaptic granule cell resting membrane potential (mV) 71.3 (6) -71.3 (mV) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus postsynaptic granule cell input resistance (Mohms) 53.3 (6) 53.3 (MΩ) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus postsynaptic granule cell membrane time constant (ms) 8.5 (6) 8.5 (ms) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus postsynaptic granule cell spike amplitude from resting (mV) 99.2 (6) 99.2 (mV) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus postsynaptic granule cell spike width (ms) 1.94 (6) 1.94 (ms) Data Table
Dentate gyrus granule cell Hippocampus dentate gyrus postsynaptic granule cell spike half-width (ms) 0.19 (6) 0.19 (ms) Data Table