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Article: Exogenous brain-derived neurotrophic factor rescues synaptic dysfunction in Mecp2-null mice.

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Kline DD; Ogier M; Kunze DL; Katz DM
J. Neurosci., 2010

Table 1.

Distribution of BDNF protein in the medulla oblongata of P35 Mecp2 wild-type mice and comparison to P35 Mecp2-null mice

Structure P35 Mecp2 wild type P35 Mecp2 null versus wild type
BDNF-IR cell bodies BDNF-IR processes BDNF-IR cell bodies BDNF-IR processes
Intermediate reticular nucleus ++ ↓↓↓
Gracile nucleus +
Lateral reticular nucleus ++
Spinal trigeminal tract ++
Spinal trigeminal nucleus, caudal/interpolar +++ ++
Inferior olive ++ +++ ↓↓
Nucleus tractus solitarius + +++ ↓↓↓
Motor nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve +
Motor nucleus of the vagus nerve ++++ ↓↓↓
Area postrema +++ ++ ↓↓ ↓↓↓
A1/C1 ++ ↓↓
Raphe obscurus +
Nucleus ambiguus ++ ↓↓
Rostroventrolateral reticular nucleus ++ ↓↓↓
Ventral spinocerebellar tract ++
Parvocellular reticular nucleus ++
Prepositus nucleus ++ +/++ ↓↓
Raphe magnus ++
Lateral paragigantocellularis nucleus ++ ↓↓
Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, dorsomedial +++
Principal sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, ventrolateral ++
  • For BDNF-immunoreactive (IR) cell bodies: −, no cells observed; +, occasional cells; ++, scattered cells; +++, densely packed cells. For BDNF-IR cell processes: −, no processes observed; +, low density; ++, moderate density; +++, high density; ++++, very high density. For changes in null mice compared to wild types: −, no obvious change; ↓, mild decrease; ↓↓, moderate decrease; ↓↓↓, sharp decrease. Data was collected on three wild-type and three Mecp2-null mice.

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