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Article: Differential expression of NMDA and AMPA receptor subunits in rat dorsal and ventral hippocampus.

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Pandis C; Sotiriou E; Kouvaras E; Asprodini E; Papatheodoropoulos C; Angelatou F
Neuroscience, 2006

Table 3Saturation parameters for the specific binding of [3H]MK801 in VH compared to DH as studied by the filter wipe-off technique
RegionKd (nM)Bmax (fmol/10 CA1 sections)
DHKd 5.5±0.2Bmax 39×10−4±10−4
VHKd 4.1±0.4Bmax 30×10−4±2×10−4 (*↓ 23%)
Data represent the means±S.E. of three independent binding experiments. In each experiment five animals were used for each preparation of the DH and VH. Statistically significant differences between VH and DH are indicated as * P<0.05 (paired t-test). Numbers in parentheses indicate the percentage of the lower levels.

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