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Article: Distinct subtypes of somatostatin-containing neocortical interneurons revealed in transgenic mice.

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Ma Y; Hu H; Berrebi AS; Mathers PH; Agmon A
J. Neurosci., 2006

Table 3.

Summary of the phenotypic differences between X94 and X98 neurons

Phenotypic property X94 X98
Cell body position Layers 4 and 5B Layers 5B and 6
Layer 4 axonal arborizations Dense None or sparse
Layer 1 axonal arborizations None or sparse Dense
Somatostatin All All
Calbindin None All
Neuropeptide Y None ∼40%
Input resistance <250 MΩ >300 MΩ
Time constant <20 ms >20 ms
Spike width ≤0.5 ms ≥0.6 ms
Fmax, initial >200 Hz <200 Hz
Fmax, steady-state >100 Hz <100 Hz
Robust stuttering ∼60% ∼3%
Low-threshold spikes ∼2% ∼40%
  • Phenotypic properties are arranged in five groups: laminar position, axonal distributions, neurochemical content, electrophysiological parameters, and firing properties. Inequalities in the electrophysiological parameters group apply to at least 90% of each population.

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