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Article: Intrinsic membrane properties of pre-oromotor neurons in the intermediate zone of the medullary reticular formation.

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Venugopal S; Boulant JA; Chen Z; Travers JB
Neuroscience, 2010

Table 3Properties of neurons classified by change in excitability
Excited (E) 19Reduced (R) 32No effect (NE) 11
RMP (mV)−54.3±2.1−57.5±1.8−59.6±1.88
Input res. (MΩ)249.8±29.7⁎218.8±17.27159.7±11.26⁎
Time constant (msec)2.4±0.64⁎⁎1.46±0.170.88±0.26⁎⁎
Max sag (mV)10.3±2.16⁎⁎⁎7.5±1.2⁎⁎⁎2.7±0.91⁎⁎⁎
Area (μM3)144.8±11202.7±27.92247.8±66.37
Form factor0.71±0.030.69±0.040.69±0.1
Primary dendrites3.5±0.43.3±.224.3±0.75
Dendritic length (μM)1500.6±217.51490.9±165.41037.1±219.13
⁎P<0.02 Fisher's least square.⁎⁎P<0.01 Fisher's least square.⁎⁎⁎P<0.01 Fisher's least square.otnote found.

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