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Article: Membrane properties and inhibitory connections of normal and upper cervically axotomized rubrospinal neurons in the rat.

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Chen JR; Tseng GF
Neuroscience, 1997

Table 4Parameters of inhibitory postsynaptic potentials elicited from the mesencephalic reticular formation dorsolateral to the red nucleus in normal and axotomized rubrospinal neurons
Number of cells with IPSP25/2516/1610/12#
Amplitude, mV10.6±3.4(23)7.4±3.2(16)**7.6±2.7(10)*
Duration, ms60.6±22.9(23)33.7±14(16)**53.9±22.8(10)
Reversal potential, mV−74±3.7(23)−72.8±3.8(16)−72.4±3.6(10)
Numbers are means±S.D. with number of cells in parentheses for all except the first row. In the first row, number of cells recorded are expressed as number of cells with identifiable IPSP/total number of cells examined in that group. Other abbreviations, see Table 1. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, two-tailed Student's t-test between axotomized groups and corresponding normal controls. #P, 0.05, Chi-Square test between the mark group and normal controls.

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