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Article: Strong CA2 pyramidal neuron synapses define a powerful disynaptic cortico-hippocampal loop.

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Chevaleyre V; Siegelbaum SA
Neuron, 2010

Table 1Summary of the Electrophysiological Properties of Pyramidal Neurons in the Different Hippocampal Areas
Input R (MΩ)Capa (pF)Resting Pot. (mV)AP Ampl. (mV)AP Dur. (ms)Sag Ampl. (mV)
CA1107 ± 10.7170.1 ± 11.4−71.9 ± 1.295.3 ± 1.80.99 ± 0.038.4 ± 0.3
CA276.2 ± 11.1305.3 ± 20.8−75.3 ± 1.084.8 ± 1.60.78 ± 0.024.1 ± 0.2
CA3107.5 ± 28.1150.1 ± 26.1−74.4 ± 0.884.4 ± 4.40.95 ± 0.034.3 ± 0.4
Input resistance (Input R) and capacitance (Capa) were measured with a −5 mV pulse from a holding potential of −70 mV. The action potential (AP) amplitude and duration were measured during a 10 ms depolarizing pulse and the sag resulting from activation of Ih was measured during a 1 s hyperpolarization from −70 to −100 mV.

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Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell cell capacitance (pF) 170.1 ± 11.4 (8) 170.1 (pF) Data Table
Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell resting membrane potential (mV) -71.9 ± 1.2 (8) -71.9 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell spike amplitude (mV) 95.3 ± 1.8 (8) 95.3 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell spike half-width (ms) 0.99 ± 0.03 (8) 0.99 (ms) Data Table
Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell sag amplitude (mV) 8.4 ± 0.3 (8) 8.4 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA2 pyramidal neuron input resistance (MΩ) 76.2 ± 11.1 (8) 76.2 (MΩ) Data Table
Hippocampus CA2 pyramidal neuron cell capacitance (pF) 305.3 ± 20.8 (8) 305.3 (pF) Data Table
Hippocampus CA2 pyramidal neuron resting membrane potential (mV) -75.3 ± 1.0 (8) -75.3 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA2 pyramidal neuron spike amplitude (mV) 84.8 ± 1.6 (8) 84.8 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA2 pyramidal neuron spike half-width (ms) 0.78 ± 0.02 (8) 0.78 (ms) Data Table
Hippocampus CA2 pyramidal neuron sag amplitude (mV) 4.1 ± 0.2 (8) 4.1 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA3 pyramidal cell input resistance (MΩ) 107.5 ± 28.1 (6) 107.5 (MΩ) Data Table
Hippocampus CA3 pyramidal cell cell capacitance (pF) 150.1 ± 26.1 (6) 150.1 (pF) Data Table
Hippocampus CA3 pyramidal cell resting membrane potential (mV) -74.4 ± 0.8 (6) -74.4 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA3 pyramidal cell spike amplitude (mV) 84.4 ± 4.4 (6) 84.4 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA3 pyramidal cell spike half-width (ms) 0.95 ± 0.03 (6) 0.95 (ms) Data Table
Hippocampus CA3 pyramidal cell sag amplitude (mV) 4.3 ± 0.4 (6) 4.3 (mV) Data Table
Hippocampus CA1 pyramidal cell input resistance (MΩ) 107.0 ± 10.7 (8) 107.0 (MΩ) Data Table