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Article: Parvalbumin-positive basket interneurons in monkey and rat prefrontal cortex.

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Povysheva NV; Zaitsev AV; Rotaru DC; Gonzalez-Burgos G; Lewis DA; Krimer LS
J. Neurophysiol., 2008

TABLE 1.Morphometric analysis of basket cells from monkeys and rats

Parameter Measured Monkeys (n = 11) Rats (n = 14)

Soma area, µm2 92 ± 25 94 ± 19
Number of primary dendrites 6.8 ± 2.1 6.1 ± 1.8
Total dendritic length, µm 2,000 ± 970 2,268 ± 936
Number of dendritic nodes 12 ± 5 14 ± 5
Axonal horizontal span, µm 810 ± 394 (n = 26) 750 ± 531 (n = 19)
Axonal vertical span, µm 576 ± 173 (n = 26) 553 ± 92 (n = 19)
Axonal length, µm 21,912 ± 4,033 (n = 4) 34,655 ± 5,190 (n = 3)
Number of axonal nodes 161 ± 36 (n = 4) 359 ± 83 (n = 3)

Values are means ± SD.

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