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Article: Excitability of jcBNST neurons is reduced in alcohol-dependent animals during protracted alcohol withdrawal.

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Szücs A; Berton F; Sanna PP; Francesconi W
PLoS ONE, 2012

10.1371/journal.pone.0042313.t001 Comparison of physiological properties of jcBNST neurons across cell types and treatment groups.
Cell type N Resting Vm mV Resistance MΩ Sag slope mV/nA Rheobase pA I-N slope pA-1 Spike thresh. mV
I Cont 20 -61.4±0.7 [-65.9 : -51.1] II, III 337±31 [147 : 566] III -38.7±3.9 [-80.2 : -17.5] II 56.7±7.1 [15 : 117] II, III 106±13 [35 : 226] III -35.0±0.8 [-41.3 : -27.8] II
I EtOH 12 -61.7±1.4 [-73.2 : -54.8] II, III 353±28 [204 : 563] III -41.5±5.2 [-89.4 : -24.9] II 50.9±7.7 [30 : 127] II, III 95±13 [16 : 171] -37.0±0.9 [-44.4 : -34.1]
II Cont 18 -56.8±0.7 [-61.3 : -50.6] I, III 399±33 [192 : 664] III -95.3±7.6 [-154 : -52.4] I 30.9±4.1 [2 : 65] I, III 126±26 [54 : 514] -38.2±0.6 [-44.0 : -33.6] I, III
II EtOH 10 -55.3±1.2 [-60.5 : -48.9] I, III 427±36 [258 : 608] III -66.9±9.5 [-109 : -8.3] I 27.8±3.8 [10 : 45] I, III 167±29 [42 : 305] -36.2±0.9 [-39.9 : -30.7]
III Cont 31 -72.0±0.9 [-81.6 : -57.2] I,II 218±20 [72 : 536] I, II N/A 119.8±9.0 [29 : 219] I, II 164±12 [71 : 312] I -35.0±0.7 [-42.1 : -27.4] II
III EtOH 16 -74.2±0.8 [-80.6 : -70.2] I, II 223±23 [59 : 389] I, II N/A 115.8±13.8 [58 : 248] I, II 183±31 [63 : 444] -35.1±0.7 [-40.3 : -31.3]

Values are expressed as means ± SEM. The sample minimum and maximum are shown in brackets. Cell type labels under the values represent statistically significant differences from the corresponding types either in control or EtOH groups. Values marked in bold-italic represent significant differences between parameters of control and EtOH cells belonging to the same type. One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni test for means comparison was used for the parameters of the three types of cells from either the control or EtOH groups. Two-sample t-tests were performed for control-EtOH comparison of identical types of neurons (p = 0.05, numbers of cells are shown under N).

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Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 1 cell resting membrane potential (mV) -61.4 ± 0.7 (20) -61.4 (mV) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 1 cell input resistance (MΩ) 337.0 ± 31.0 (20) 337.0 (MΩ) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 1 cell rheobase (pA) 56.7 ± 7.1 (20) 56.7 (pA) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 1 cell spike threshold (mV) -35.0 ± 0.8 (20) -35.0 (mV) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 2 cell resting membrane potential (mV) -56.8 ± 0.7 (18) -56.8 (mV) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 2 cell input resistance (MΩ) 399.0 ± 33.0 (18) 399.0 (MΩ) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 2 cell rheobase (pA) 30.9 ± 4.1 (18) 30.9 (pA) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 2 cell spike threshold (mV) -38.2 ± 0.6 (18) -38.2 (mV) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 3 cell resting membrane potential (mV) -72.0 ± 0.9 (31) -72.0 (mV) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 3 cell input resistance (MΩ) 218.0 ± 20.0 (31) 218.0 (MΩ) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 3 cell rheobase (pA) 119.8 ± 9.0 (31) 119.8 (pA) Data Table
BNST small pyramidal neuron jcBNST bed nucleus stria terminalis type 3 cell spike threshold (mV) -35.0 ± 0.7 (31) -35.0 (mV) Data Table