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Article: Modeling Behavior by Coastal River Otter (Lontra Canadensis) in Response to Prey Availability in Prince William Sound, Alaska: A Spatially-Explicit Individual-Based Approach.

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Albeke SE; Nibbelink NP; Ben-David M
PLoS ONE, 2015

10.1371/journal.pone.0126208.t001 Model simulation of fish school scenarios (top) and sensitivity analysis (bottom) parameter values (mean [μ], variance [σ], and degree of adjustment in parentheses).
Fish School Scenarios
Scenario Model Adjustment
School_100% Baseline (from data collected in 1996-1999) and spawning habitat
School_Random Random placement with baseline availability
School_75% -25% school availability and spawning habitat
School_50% -50% school availability and spawning habitat
School_25% -75% school availability and spawning habitat
School_None No school availability and spawning habitat
Sensitivity Analysis
Adjusted Parameter Parameter Adjustment
Lower Upper
Movement Distance μ = 847; σ = 1,558 (-10%) μ = 1,035; σ = 1,904 (+10%)
Hrs Defecation μ = 4.379; σ = 1.643 (-10%) μ = 5.352; σ = 2.008 (+10%)
Hrs Active μ = 1.418; σ = 1.379 (-10%) μ = 1.734; σ = 1.685 (+10%)
Hrs Inactive μ = 10.523; σ = 7.457 (-10%) μ = 12.861; σ = 9.115 (+10%)
Scent Distance -0.002 (-0.001) -0.004 (+0.001)
Scent Decay Rate 0.001 (-0.099) 0.2 (+0.1)
Visual (m) 25 (-25m) 75 (+25m)
Memory (m) 500 (-500m) 1,500 (+500m)
Activity State (fish) 1.5 (-0.5) 2.5 (+0.5)
Defecation (fish) 1.5 (-0.5) 2.5 (+0.5)

Each simulation scenario was replicated 100 times.

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