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Article: Modeling Behavior by Coastal River Otter (Lontra Canadensis) in Response to Prey Availability in Prince William Sound, Alaska: A Spatially-Explicit Individual-Based Approach.

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Albeke SE; Nibbelink NP; Ben-David M
PLoS ONE, 2015

10.1371/journal.pone.0126208.t002 Parameters, associated values and statistical distributions (for random value selection) used for simulation initialization and model run-time for all scenarios, unless altered for the sensitivity analysis (<xref ref-type="table" rid="pone.0126208.t001">Table 1</xref>).
Parameter Value Distribution Description
Model Initialization
Otter Density 55-78 Uniform Minimum-Maximum 95% CI from density estimates [76]
Fish Schools 40-98 Uniform Minimum-Maximum number of fish schools [37]
Gender Ratio 0.69 - Percent of males in the population [76,77,78]
Female 50% Core Home Range 4 (2) Normal Mean (SD), in km, of female 50% Core Home Range [71]
Habitat Quality Threshold 0.464 - Threshold probability value predicting otter latrine site [61]
Activity Threshold 0.122 Bernoulli Probability of otter being in active-state (ratio of mean Active:Inactive hours; S1 Text, S1 Dataset)
Active Upper CI 1.88 Uniform Upper 95% CI value of mean active-state hours (S1 Text, S1 Dataset)
Inactive Upper CI 15.32 Uniform Upper 95% CI value of mean inactive-state hours (S1 Text, S1 Dataset)
Model Run-time
Movement Distance 941 (1731) Normal Mean (SD), in meters, of 8 telemetered otters (S1 Text, S2 Dataset)
Hours Between Defecating 4.865 (1.825) Normal Mean (SD) hours between defecation events for captive otters in a 24hr period [79]
Hours in Active-state 1.433 (1.393) Normal Mean (SD) hours of continuous activity of 8 telemetered otters (S1 Text, S1 Dataset)
Hours in Inactive-state 11.692 (8.286) Normal Mean (SD) hours of continuous inactivity of 8 telemetered otters (S1 Text, S1 Dataset)
Scent Distance Decay Rate -0.003 Bernoulli Parameter estimate in negative exponential equation (S1 Text eq. 5) calculating probability of detecting scent-mark given a distance
Feces Desiccation Rate 0.1 Bernoulli Parameter estimate in exponential equation (S1 Text eq. 5) calculating expected amount of desiccation (unitless value) given the age, in hours, of the fecal deposit
Visual Perception Distance 50 - Assumed visual distance, in meters, at which the otter is acutely aware of the biotic and abiotic conditions of its surroundings
Memory Perception Distance 1000 - Assumed memory distance, in meters, at which the otter can perfectly recall the best (MEP) available habitat
Active/Inactive-Satiation Scaler 2 Bernoulli A scaling factor that increases (if Active) or decreases (if Inactive) the probability that an otter will switch activity-states if it has foraged on a school of fish (S1 Text eqs. 3 and 4)
Defecation-Satiation Scaler 2 Bernoulli A scaling factor to increase the probability of a defecation event if the otter has foraged on a school of fish (S1 Text eq. 1).
Number of Fish Schools/day - - Number of fish schools interpreted from Brown et al. [44] and Blundell et al. [35] (S1 Text eq. 7)

Specific descriptions and model processes can be found in S1 Text.

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