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Article: Synaptic transmission at the cochlear nucleus endbulb synapse during age-related hearing loss in mice.

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Wang Y; Manis PB
J. Neurophysiol., 2005

TABLE 1.Parameters measured within DBA and CBA mice

Parameter DBA


HF Old (n = 21) HF Young (n = 14) LF Old (n = 7) HF Old (n = 8) HF Young (n = 10)

RMP, mV –60.9 + 1.4 –61.5 + 1.1 –60.4 + 2.7 –60.5 + 1.0 –62.0 + 0.8
Rin, MΩ 121.0 + 13.2 140.7 + 18.9 126.6 + 30.2 77.6 + 11.1 100.5 + 10.0
Membrane time constant, ms 1.05 + 0.09 1.01 + 0.11 0.70 + 0.12 1.02 + 0.34 0.96 + 0.08
AP threshold I, pA 313.1 + 30.1 189.8 + 28.0* 270.6 + 48.8 302.0 + 50.2 263.4 + 38.6
AP height, mV 36.8 + 3.6 40.1 + 2.8 41.0 + 4.7 40.4 + 3.5 39.6 + 3.2
AP half-width, ms 1.1 + 0.2 0.9 + 0.1 0.8 + 0.1 0.8 + 0.1 0.9 + 0.1
AHP, mV 9.2 + 1.0 7.5 + 1.7 7.6 + 1.4 10.0 + 1.7 8.7 + 1.5
Max rising rate of spike, mV/ms 74.9 + 8.8 88.3 + 6.7 87.7 + 10.7 83.1 + 9.6 77.0 + 9.2
Max falling rate of spike, mV/ms 73.9 + 19.2 60.7 + 9.2 59.7 + 10.5 75.7 + 18.3 70.6 + 18.6

Values are means ± SE. Except the current required to reach spike threshold, no pairwise significant difference was observed for all parameters measured within DBA or CBA mice. With the exception of Rin between young DBA and old CBA mice, none of the parameters measured was significantly different between DBA and CBA mice.

* P < 0.01.

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Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron resting membrane potential (mV) -60.9 (21) -60.9 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron resting membrane potential (mV) -61.5 (14) -61.5 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron resting membrane potential (mV) -60.4 (7) -60.4 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron resting membrane potential (mV) -60.5 (8) -60.5 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron resting membrane potential (mV) -62.0 (10) -62.0 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron input resistance (MΩ) 121.0 (21) 121.0 (MΩ) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron input resistance (MΩ) 140.7 (14) 140.7 (MΩ) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron input resistance (MΩ) 126.6 (7) 126.6 (MΩ) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron input resistance (MΩ) 77.6 (8) 77.6 (MΩ) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron input resistance (MΩ) 100.5 (10) 100.5 (MΩ) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron membrane time constant (ms) 1.05 (21) 1.05 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron membrane time constant (ms) 1.01 (14) 1.01 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron membrane time constant (ms) 0.7 (7) 0.7 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron membrane time constant (ms) 1.02 (8) 1.02 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron membrane time constant (ms) 0.96 (10) 0.96 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron rheobase (pA) 313.1 (21) 313.1 (pA) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron rheobase (pA) 189.8 (14) 189.8 (pA) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron rheobase (pA) 270.6 (7) 270.6 (pA) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron rheobase (pA) 302.0 (8) 302.0 (pA) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron rheobase (pA) 263.4 (10) 263.4 (pA) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike amplitude (mV) 36.8 (21) 36.8 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike amplitude (mV) 40.1 (14) 40.1 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron spike amplitude (mV) 41.0 (7) 41.0 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike amplitude (mV) 40.4 (8) 40.4 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike amplitude (mV) 39.6 (10) 39.6 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike half-width (ms) 1.1 (21) 1.1 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike half-width (ms) 0.9 (14) 0.9 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron spike half-width (ms) 0.8 (7) 0.8 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike half-width (ms) 0.8 (8) 0.8 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike half-width (ms) 0.9 (10) 0.9 (ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron AHP amplitude (mV) 9.2 (21) 9.2 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron AHP amplitude (mV) 7.5 (14) 7.5 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron AHP amplitude (mV) 7.6 (7) 7.6 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron AHP amplitude (mV) 10.0 (8) 10.0 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron AHP amplitude (mV) 8.7 (10) 8.7 (mV) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike max rise slope (mV/ms) 74.9 (21) 74.9 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike max rise slope (mV/ms) 88.3 (14) 88.3 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron spike max rise slope (mV/ms) 87.7 (7) 87.7 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike max rise slope (mV/ms) 83.1 (8) 83.1 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike max rise slope (mV/ms) 77.0 (10) 77.0 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike max decay slope (mV/ms) 73.9 (21) 73.9 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike max decay slope (mV/ms) 60.7 (14) 60.7 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus rostroventral third low frequency region neuron spike max decay slope (mV/ms) 59.7 (7) 59.7 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike max decay slope (mV/ms) 75.7 (8) 75.7 (mV/ms) Data Table
Cochlear nucleus (ventral) bushy cell anterior ventral cochlear nucleus dorsal third high frequency region neuron spike max decay slope (mV/ms) 70.6 (10) 70.6 (mV/ms) Data Table