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Nucleus accumbens core neuron

Electrophysiological properties of Nucleus accumbens core neurons from literature:

Neuron electrophysiology data values (Table form)

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Article Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Nucleus accumbens core neuron AHP amplitude Similar neurons, opposite adaptations: psychostimulant experience differentially alters firing properties in accumbens core versus shell. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 15.3 ± 0.4 (16) 15.3 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron input resistance Similar neurons, opposite adaptations: psychostimulant experience differentially alters firing properties in accumbens core versus shell. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 141.6 ± 6.8 (16) 141.6 (MΩ) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron input resistance The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol mediates D1 and D2 receptor cooperative enhancement of rat nucleus accumbens core neuron firing. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 63.17 ± 6.21 63.17 (MΩ) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron input resistance Selective disruption of nucleus accumbens gating mechanisms in rats behaviorally sensitized to methamphetamine. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 83.0 ± 17.9 (8) 83.0 (MΩ) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron input resistance Dorsal and ventral distribution of excitable and synaptic properties of neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 35.1 ± 3.9 (15) 35.1 (MΩ) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron membrane time constant Selective disruption of nucleus accumbens gating mechanisms in rats behaviorally sensitized to methamphetamine. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 5.5 ± 1.4 (8) 5.5 (ms) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron membrane time constant Dorsal and ventral distribution of excitable and synaptic properties of neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 4.0 ± 0.4 (15) 4.0 (ms) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron resting membrane potential Similar neurons, opposite adaptations: psychostimulant experience differentially alters firing properties in accumbens core versus shell. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) -78.6 ± 0.5 (16) -78.6 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron resting membrane potential Selective disruption of nucleus accumbens gating mechanisms in rats behaviorally sensitized to methamphetamine. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) -83.6 ± 4.8 (8) -83.6 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron resting membrane potential Dorsal and ventral distribution of excitable and synaptic properties of neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) -89.6 ± 1.7 (15) -89.6 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron rheobase Selective disruption of nucleus accumbens gating mechanisms in rats behaviorally sensitized to methamphetamine. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 0.36 ± 0.11 (8) 360.0 (pA) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron rheobase Similar neurons, opposite adaptations: psychostimulant experience differentially alters firing properties in accumbens core versus shell. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 137.5 ± 10.0 (16) 137.5 (pA) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike amplitude Similar neurons, opposite adaptations: psychostimulant experience differentially alters firing properties in accumbens core versus shell. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 77.1 ± 1.0 (16) 77.1 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike amplitude Dorsal and ventral distribution of excitable and synaptic properties of neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 54.7 ± 1.4 (15) 54.7 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike amplitude The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol mediates D1 and D2 receptor cooperative enhancement of rat nucleus accumbens core neuron firing. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 79.43 ± 2.13 79.43 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike rise time Similar neurons, opposite adaptations: psychostimulant experience differentially alters firing properties in accumbens core versus shell. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 0.72 ± 0.04 (16) 0.72 (ms) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike threshold Selective disruption of nucleus accumbens gating mechanisms in rats behaviorally sensitized to methamphetamine. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) -43.7 ± 6.8 (8) -43.7 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike threshold The endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol mediates D1 and D2 receptor cooperative enhancement of rat nucleus accumbens core neuron firing. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) -45.54 ± 1.53 -45.54 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike threshold Dorsal and ventral distribution of excitable and synaptic properties of neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) -47.8 ± 2.3 (15) -47.8 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike threshold Similar neurons, opposite adaptations: psychostimulant experience differentially alters firing properties in accumbens core versus shell. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) -33.2 ± 0.5 (16) -33.2 (mV) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike width Similar neurons, opposite adaptations: psychostimulant experience differentially alters firing properties in accumbens core versus shell. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 2.57 ± 0.06 (16) 2.57 (ms) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike width Dorsal and ventral distribution of excitable and synaptic properties of neurons of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 1.3 ± 0.04 (15) 1.3 (ms) Data Table
Nucleus accumbens core neuron spike width Selective disruption of nucleus accumbens gating mechanisms in rats behaviorally sensitized to methamphetamine. (NeuroElectro data) (PubMed) 2.9 ± 0.9 (8) 2.9 (ms) Data Table
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