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Article: Response patterns and force relations of monkey spinal interneurons during active wrist movement.

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Maier MA; Perlmutter SI; Fetz EE
J. Neurophysiol., 1998

Table 5.

Mean correlations and slopes between peak firing rate and torque change

Units 17 5 50
Positive r 0.52 ± 0.14 0.45 ± 0.09 0.54 ± 0.14
Extension PSF: 144 ± 87 (6) SF: 91 ± 29 (3) 171 ± 161 (26)
PSS: 320 ± 24 (2) SS: 169 (1)
Flexion PSF: 88 ± 65 (8) SF: 49 ± 27 (3) 132 ± 139 (30)
PSS: 160 (1) SS: —
P.−p. latency 60 ± 219 (17) 46 ± 112 (7) 65 ± 109 (56)
  • Values are means ± SD, n values in parentheses. Slopes expressed in (spikes/s)/(Nm/s). PSF, neurons with postspike facilitation; PSS, neurons with pure postspike suppression; SF, neurons with early facilitation; SS, neurons with pure early suppression; P.-p., peak-to-peak.

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Inferred neuron-electrophysiology data values

Neuron Type Neuron Description Ephys Prop Extracted Value Standardized Value Content Source
Spinal cord ventral horn interneuron FRA first spike latency 60.0 ± 219.0 (17) 60.0 (ms) Data Table